There are literally thousands of computer abbreviations out there.... Some for texting you know the 'brb' 'lol' 'gr8' you get the jist... Some are to do with the technical aspects of the computer and others deal with personal communication.
Here is a little list of some abbreviations [the technical kind] you may have heard of or even use but not quiet sure of their meaning / use
- BIOS - This is the Basic Input Output System which controls the computer, telling it what operations to perform. These instructions are on a chip that connects to the motherboard.
- BYTE - A byte is a storage unit for data
- PC - This is the abbreviation for personal computer. It refers to computers that are IBM compatible
- ROM - This is Read Only Memory which is the instruction for the computer and can not be altered
- HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language formats information so it can be transported on the Internet
- ISP - The Internet Service Provider is the company which provides Internet service so you can connect your computer to the Internet
- URL - This is the Uniform Resource Locator which is a path to a certain file on the World Wide Web
- USB - The Universal Serial Bus is used for communications between certain devices. It can connect keyboards, cameras, printers, mice, flash drives + other devices. Its use has expanded from personal computers to PDAs, smartphones + video games + is used as a power cord to connect devices to a wall outlet to charge them
- RAM - This stands for Random Access Memory which is the space inside the computer that can be accessed at one time. If you increase the amount of RAM, then you will increase the computer’s speed. This is because more of a particular program is able to be loaded at one time
- HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a set of instructions for the software that controls the movement of files on the Internet.
- SEO - Search Engine Optimization the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's unpaid results
- KPI- Key Performance Indicator is a business metric used to evaluate factors that are crucial to the success of an organization
- RSS- Really Simple Syndication uses a family of standard web feed formats to publish frequently updated information: blog entries, news headlines, audio, video
- VGA - The Video Graphics Array is a system for displaying graphics. It was developed by IBM
- PDF - A file format for capturing + sending electronic documents in exactly the intended format
- FTP - This is a service called File Transport Protocol which moves a file between computers using the Internet.
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